About Flemmily

Flemmily is a 26 year old semi-grown up. She has a job, a cat (but wishes she had a dog), and a condo. She’s also a wannabe writer trying to finish her first young adult novel, and a semi-newbie to her area of Montana. Flemmily is trying to find her niche in the world as an adult: looking for friends, normal-ish men to date, and new stories to tell.


  1. Laini Taylor said,

    April 15, 2009 at 9:50 pm

    Hi Flemmily! I just saw your comment on Jay Asher’s blog and had to come here. We used to call my sister Emily, Flemmily, only in our minds we spelled it Phlegmily. Mature, I know 🙂

  2. December 23, 2009 at 12:05 pm

    Hey Emily!

    I just linked to you from Nathan Bransford’s blog because I noticed that you live in Belgrade. I am an aspiring YA author over here in Bozeman! Small world. How goes the writing? Any closer to finishing that first novel?

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